Academic Facilities
Teaching Methodology :
To provide stimuli to the intellect of the child to earn and develop a love for learning, most modern methods of teaching are used. Use of Audio-Visual teaching aids like Step & Learn, Cubetto, Virtual Lab, Robogarden, overhead projector, slide projector, smart classes, computers etc are emphasized to a large extent to make teaching learning process interesting and effective.

Smart Classes
Smart Classes make the complex classroom teaching simple and fascinating. Smart classes give an environment where the teacher is empowered to teach better and the student inspired to learn more than ever before. Based on rich multi-media, mapped to curriculum content, it illuminates abstract and difficult concepts with liquid clarity, bridges learning gaps and helps both teachers and students realise their true potential.
Language Lab
Learning a language requires learners to practice and use the language as much as possible to hone their skills and gain a holistic understanding which a language lab only can do. Therefore the concept of language lab has been adopted so as to enable the entire class to participate in meaningful activities while utilising the allocated time efficiently and that also remaining in complete control.

An Audio-visual room is always ready to facilitate the teaching learning process. It is equipped with an Over Head Projector (OHP), Slide Projector (SP), TV & DVD. Large number of readymade slides and transparencies on various topics are available to be used at any time. A Computer with DVD & a large TFT are the latest additions in the Audio-visual room.
Projector Room
A project room has been set up to cater to the needs of the students. Students of all classes visit regularly to enrich their knowledge. All the CDs made available by CBSE are used as teaching aids.

An open access to well stocked library caters to the needs of students and provides them opportunity to supplement their curriculum requirements in various subjects. School libraries with the wide choice of books, reference books, encyclopedia and periodicals nourish the child’s love for learning. Two libraries have been set up for classes I to V and for VI to XII separately. There are separate reading rooms for staff and students wind up toy (equipped with TV & DVD) attached to the library. Students are encouraged to spend most of their leisure time in the library to improve their reading skill, books are also issued to the students for home reading.
Science & Mathematics Labs
Well equipped, Ultra Modern Physics, Chemistry, Bio and Bio-technology Labs exist in the senior section, in which young scientists have freedom to confirm their theoretical ideas by performing experiments. The state-of-the-art Maths lab also has been constructed.

Computer Lab
It is an Ultra Modern Computer Lab, installed with latest Core i5 Computers. Computer education starts from class I. Every child is given a practical knowledge of computer which allows them to operate the computer themselves. Introduction of Internet in the lab has bridged the gap between the children & the knowledge spread all over the world. There are total three computer labs one each for Primary, Middle and Senior Section.