Transport & School rules
Both the schools have a fleet of 72 buses that ply on different routes covering a radius of 40 Kms. Parents who desire this facility will indicate their willingness in the appropriate column in the admission form. It will be the sole responsibility of the parents escort the ward to and fro from the fixed bus at their own risk and responsibility.
Note: 1. Transport facility will be given on the basis of school’s convenience.
2. Payments are to be made on Half Yearly basis, along with the tuition fee. One month prior intimation is required before withdrawal of school transport facility or one month transport charge in lieu thereof.

School Rules
Absence & Leave :
- No leave is granted except for prior written application from parents or guardians for a valid reason only
- Every absence (due to sickness or otherwise) must be entered briefly in the pages of absence and leave record of the student diary and signed by parent or guardian.
- Parents are requested to send a leave application in advance if a child seeks leave.
- A student returning to school after recovering from an infection or contagious disease should produce a fitness certificate.
- A student suffering from contagious disease must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.
- A minimum 75% attendance is compulsory to appear in the final exam.
Grounds on which school can ask for withdrawal of the student:
- Students can be asked to leave the school on the following grounds: Indisciplinary, Unsatisfactory progress in studies, Repeated detention in class, Irregularity in attendance, Damage of school property, Non payment of school dues, irresponsible behaviour in the bus etc.
- Not abiding by the school code of conduct and breaching hostel rules & regulations.
Examination System :
- The school follows a system of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE). The school gives due weightage to each Unit Test, Periodic Test, Term Exam and Final Exam.
- Class Nursery to V & XI: For each subject there will be three Unit Tests. (I Unit Test, II Unit Test, III Unit Test) of 25 marks each and there will be three Term Exams (I Term, II Term & III Term) each carrying 75 marks. Unit Test for class XI will be of 20 marks each and Term Exam will be of 80 marks each. Thus, the maximum marks are 300 for each subject when it comes to preparing final result at the end of the academic session.
- Class VI to VIII : An academic session is divided into two terms. April to September is First Term and October to March is Second Term. In each term 20 marks are earmarked for periodic assessment and 80 marks for term end exam i.e. Half Yearly and Yearly Exam. Every periodic assessment has further classification where periodic tests contribute 10 marks, notebook submission 5 marks and subject enrichment activity 5 marks in each subject.
- In 6th standard second term syllabus will have 10% of 1st term syllabus apart from its 50% total syllabus makin it 60% of the total syllabus in second term. Likewise 7th standard will have 20% of 1st term syllabus and 8th standard 30% of the 1st term syllabus making it 70% and 80% of the total syllabus in second term respectively.
- Class IX and X: There will be internal assessment carrying 20 marks and theory examination carrying 80 marks. Internal assessment comprises various periodic tests contributing 10 marks apart from notebook submission and subject enrichment activity contributing 5 marks each.
- Class XII: All students are evaluated many times throughout the year before they take their Board Exam. Their academic session witnesses First Unit Test in May, Second Unit Test in August, First Term in September and Second Term in December, followed by Pre-board at the end of January.
Promotion Rules:
- Promotion to the next higher class is granted to the pupils on the basis of overall performance of a student during the entire academic session.
- The promotion is strictly based on continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE). Every test, whether it is weekly test, periodical test or mid term, contributes when it comes to deciding promotion of a student to the next higher class
- Class Nursery to V : There are three terms for them. Each term contributes 100 marks. So their result is calculated with 300 maximum marks in each subject. One has to secure minimum 33% in each subject to earn promotion. Some marks are earmarked for notebook submission as well.
- Class VI to VIII: There are two terms for them. Each term contributes 100 marks per subject. So their result is calculated with 200 maximum marks in each subject.
- Class IX & X : A student needs to secure minimum 33% marks in each subject separately in Internal Assessment (out of 20) and Final Exam (out of 80) to earn promotion to next higher class.
- Class XI & XII: A student needs to secure minimum 33% marks in each subject separately in theory and practical to earn promotion to next higher class.
Leave Rules:
- Boarders are not permitted to go home during the school term except for in a few cases as
Hostel Rules:
- Boarders will compulsorily speak in English among themselves.
- Boarders will maintain strict discipline. Their conduct, language, relationship with other boarders will be constantly monitored. Indiscipline will mean expulsion from the hostel.
- A boarder should take care of his personal belongings and belongings of others.
- Boarders are prohibited to bring any costly article to the hostel such as camera, albums, magazines, playing cards, mobile phone, SIM, MP4, pen drive, iPod, memory card, CD, DVD, any type of storage device or electronic gadget, ornaments, cosmetics & money etc. If any boarder is found with such articles/ items, it will be destroyed at the same time and will not be returned.
- Boarders shall maintain cleanliness in the hostel, dining-hall, common room and the hostel environs.
- Boarders are not allowed to visit residential accommodation of any staff member.
- Telephonic conversation between the parents and the boarders is not encouraged. However, students may call the parents on prescribed day decided by the school managed according to their term.
- A boarder is not allowed to go out of the hostel premises without principal’s permission.
- Boarders have to adhere to the school guidelines displayed on the hostel notice board from time to time.
- Boarders will set an example of discipline in the dining hall, common room, dormitory, playground etc.
- Money transactions and exchange of gifts is not allowed in the hostel.
- Parents are not permitted to visit the hostel dormitories under any circumstances.
- Friends, distant relatives and visitors will not be allowed to meet the boarders without proper identification.
- Boarders are not allowed to go out or call tutors for tuition.
- Boarders are not allowed to visit guardians or their homes during working days or at the end of each term.
- Vacation time may also be utilized for educational tours, remedial teaching etc. Parents are expected to extend their support.
- Boarders will choose/elect their own council for supervision, organization of various programmes and activities to assist the hostel warden.
- Food parcels from parents are strictly prohibited. These will be distributed among all boarders if received by any hosteller.
- A boarder, if found using unfair means during any exam, will be expelled from the hostel and school.
- Boarders will wear specific kit for every event / function.
Leave Rules:
- Student may be allowed maximum leave for three days for the wedding of their real brother or sister.
- Leave shall not be granted during examination or during a camp on any ground.
- Leave may be granted for some particular treatment of the student.
- Leave shall be granted only on written request made to the principal by parents.
- No leave shall be granted on the student’s request and no leave shall be granted on the request made by parents through whatsapp message/text message/email/fax etc.
- Parents should obtain proper out-pass from the principal indicating the date and time, when the student is to return after leave. If the student does not return on the due date then Rs.100/- will be charged per day The same rule applies for returning late after the summer winter or any other vacation.
- If a student remains absent due to some illness, medical certificates showing sickness and fitness separately should accompany the leave application.
- Principal reserves all rights to grant/cancel leaves in special cases.
- Unit/ Periodical /Term report will be sent to the parents giving details of continuous academic progress of the ward followed by a full-fledged final report at the end of the academic session.
- Prospectus & admission form can be obtained from school office during school hours.
- For provisional admission in class XI, a candidate must submit class IX report card along with a xerox of class X pre-board report card.
- There is no direct admission for classes X & XII. Admission can be given only in transfer case of parents or shifting of house with documental proof.
- Schools strictly follow all the rules & regulations of RTE Act.
- Schools strictly follow all the rules & regulations of RTE Act.
Documents to be produced at the time of admission:
- For class up to I, original birth certificate a long with a attested photocopy of the same.
- For class II and above, original T.C. countersigned by the competent authority and report card of previous academic session.
- Three passport size photographs.
- Migration certificate for the student coming from other states/ boards.
- Tuition fee and boarding fee is payable in two equal installments first in the first week of April and second in the first week of October
- All payment should be made either through Digital Transactions or by RTGS/NEFT in favour of “Dundlod Public School, Dundlod” drawn on either Punjab National Bank or State Bank ofIndia payable at Nawalgarh for DundlodSchool and “Dundlod Public School, Jhunjhunu” drawn on Bank of India or Punjab National Bank, payable atJhunjhunu for Jhunjhunu School.
- Fee once deposited will not be refundedunder any circumstances.
- Transfer Certificate is issued only after allthe dues are settled.
Best Student Award: The Prizes & certificates will be given away to the students for obtaining the highest percentage in their respective class groups:
- Classes Nursery to II
- Classes III to V
- Classes VI to VIII
- Classes IX &XI
Master/Miss Regularity Award: The Prizes & certificates will be given away to the students for 100% attendancein each academic year.
Meritorious Scholarship: Topper of class XI among all streams will be exempted from paying tuition fee in the next academic session.